Build an Inca Wall

Test your engineering and artistic skills in the Inca Polygonal Wall Competition!


Test your engineering and artistic skills in the Inca Polygonal Wall Competition! Design and construct a small-scale wall inspired by the iconic Inca masonry technique, featuring precisely cut, interlocking stones that fit together without mortar. Showcase your creativity and precision in replicating this ancient architectural marvel. Submissions will be judged on accuracy, stability, and aesthetic appeal. Let’s rebuild history, one stone at a time!

The Inspiration: Inca Polygonal Walls

The Inca civilization, thriving in the Andes Mountains centuries ago, mastered an architectural technique that still baffles engineers today. Their polygonal walls—found in places like Machu Picchu and Sacsayhuamán—feature massive, irregularly shaped stones cut so precisely they interlock without mortar, enduring earthquakes and time. Some stones weigh tons, yet fit so tightly you can’t slide a piece of paper between them. This competition challenges you to channel that ingenuity on a smaller scale, blending art, science, and history into one epic build.

Inca wall

Inca wall close up with precision joints

Competition Guidelines:


Construct a small-scale polygonal wall that mimics the Inca style—interlocking stones, no mortar, pure precision.


Use any solid material—stone, wood or foam. No glue, mortar, or adhesives allowed; your wall must rely on fit alone.
Blocks must start as irregular objects resembling natural stone block shapes.


You can use any method that can also be applied to stone, such as cutting, grinding, and chisseling.
We have three categories for the competition.
For the Inca stone wall using modern technology category, we want to see modern methods that can build walls fast.

Minimum wall size:

Minimum block size of 12x12 inches (30x30 cm)
Walls must be at least 3 courses tall to demonstrate methodology.
Walls must be at least 4 stones wide.


1. Non-stone Inca wall (model) — Demonstrate the technique for shaping and fitting stones.
2. Inca stone wall using modern technology — Develop a modern method for building polygonal walls
3. Inca stone wall using ancient technology — Solve the mystery of how the Incas did it.


Historical Accuracy:
Polygonal Style: Are the stones irregular and multi-sided, mimicking Inca designs?
Mortar-Free Fit: Do the pieces interlock seamlessly with gaps smaller than 0.5 mm?
Authentic Vibe: Does it evoke the rugged, timeless look of Inca architecture?

Structural Integrity:
Stability: Does it hold up under a gentle shake (simulating a mild tremor)?
Engineering Smarts: Are angles or weight distribution used cleverly for strength?

Visual Impact:
Creativity: Does the design stand out with unique stone shapes or patterns?
Finish Quality: Are the stones polished, textured, or styled for visual appeal?
Overall Wow Factor: Does it grab attention and inspire awe at first glance?


Document your methods thoroughly. Take photos and videos of all steps of the the process.
Create an informative step-by-step guide to how you did your work.

All entries will be showcased on ArchSeek, celebrating your take on this ancient craft.


This competition doesn't have a dealine set yet. Once we have more interest and entries, we will look at setting a closing date for the categories.


1. Non-stone Inca wall — $500

2. Inca stone wall using modern technology — $1000
If someone can develop an efficient modern construction method, we will sponsor a much larger follow up project.

3. Inca stone wall using ancient technology — $1000


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